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The title of the article "Baranang of the Banana Business Opportunities"

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For this time you will read the article baranang of the business opportunities selling banana magic as well as its benefits. In addition to the fruit, as well as skin, stem, the leaves can be we take its benefits.

Benefits of Bananas is generally known as a memory enhancer, but it turns out that not only the benefits of banana. The banana is a fruit that is widely encountered in rural as well as urban and the favorite food of the monkey.

Content in banana fruits namely: 99 calories, protein 1.2 grams, fat 0.1 grams, carbohydrates 25.8 milligrams (mg), fibre 0.7 g, calcium 8 mg, phosphorus 28 mg, iron 0.5 mg, vitamin A, Vitamin B RE 44 0.08 mg 3 mg, Vitamin C and 72 grams of water.

Because nutrient content contained in the banana fruit is pretty much, here's the benefits of banana:

1.Launched blood circulation
Bananas have plenty of potassium and potassium content. This substance is its function is to help the body's circulatory system, to the circulation of oxygen to the brain to be smooth. Potassium also helps the heart rate becomes regular. In addition, the banana also reduces the risk of the occurrence of stroke and regulates blood pressure in order to be normal.

2.Healthy bowel.
Benefits of banana is healthy by eliminating intestinal constipation. Bananas have a fiber that is able to maintain and restore the health of the intestine. So, using a laxative, it is better to consume bananas.

3.Benefit for Stomach and Intestine Disease.
Banana mixed liquid milk (or put in a glass of fresh milk) can be served as a remedy in cases of intestinal disease. A banana served as defense against inflammatory because Vitamin C can be quickly processed.

4.Benefits for sufferers of Lever
Sufferers of eating banana good lever two plus one spoon of honey, will increase your appetite and make strong.

5.Improve brain health
On a research with respondents 200 students in banana consumption, influence against concentration level be correlated. As a result, students who eat bananas 3 times a day as the dessert looks to experience increased concentration and capture power.

6.Benefits of Bananas as source power.
Banana fruit can easily digest, the sugar contained in fruit that turned into a great power source rapidly, and it's great in the formation of the body, to work the muscles, and it is very good to get rid of fatigue.

7.Reduce the pain of monthly pain in women 
For those of you that often experienced abdominal pain during menstruation, then consume bananas can ease Your suffering. The content of vitamin B6 in high enoughd are destructive mood and make monthly pain decreased.

8.The benefits for patients with Anemia.
Two bananas are eaten by patients anemia per day is enough, because it contains Fe (iron).

9.Treat mosquito bites scars
If there are swollen bumps on your skin the former mosquito bites, then you can apply a bit of banana skin parts in the skin to the full. He will reduce itching and red.

10.Benefits of banana for pregnant women.
Bananas are also advised to take the pregnant woman because it contains folic acid, which is easily absorbed the fetus through the uterus. However, don't be too excessive for a single banana contains about 85-100 calories.

11.Benefits of banana for beauty
Banana porridge mixed with a little milk and honey, smeared on the face of each day regularly for 30-40 minutes. Flush with warm water then rinse with cold water or ice, repeated for 15 days, will produce a stunning effect on the skin.

12.Benefits for Burns
Banana leaves can be used for the treatment of skin burned by way of , to sweep grey mix banana leaf plus coconut oil has a cooling influence of the skin.

13.Can Lose Weight
Bananas also has a role in weight loss as well as to increase the weight. It has been proven a person lose weight by dieting 4 (four) banana fruits and four (4) non-fat milk or a glass of fresh milk per day at least 3 days a week, the number of calories just 1250 and the menu is pretty healthy.

14.Benefits for Diabetes
In the community of Gorontalo (North Sulawesi), a type of banana goroho i.e. typical local bananas, is extra food/staple for people suffering from diabetes/diabetes mellitus, especially banana goroho immature, then steamed and mixed shredded coconut.


If you already know the benefits of bananas.

Will be more interested again with one type of banana that became the title of the article on "Barangan of Banana business opportunities"

Because it has benefits and additional benefits, other than 14 benefits that you've read in the paragraph above.

In the country of Indonesia recognize two seasons namely dry season and rainy season and has a tropical climate, where many types of vegetation thrives in this country.

Bananas at you know usually originated in the Philippines, brazil and indonesia, etc.

But for special Goods only Banana is flourishing in indonesia with a different flavor, although you can plant or breed in your country, will certainly be a different Flavor.

Because this type of banana grow only with best results or had a different flavor that is just to get in the province of North Sumatra-Indonesia.

Why in North sumatra? well indeed this banana types derived from Northern sumatra.

The advantage of this type of goods banana is very different from other banana types in General.

In addition to having the same benefits with the other bananas below will tell the author it:

"As said by one of the traders in the city of bandung Mr. Bukti Tarigan and Mr.Ariel (original people of Northern sumatra)"

  1. The Sweet Taste makes no nausea.
  2. Banana Flesh is soft and slightly chewy.
  3. The meat was chewy Texture so that nonperishable though her skin is thin.
  4. There is no sour taste at all of the type of goods this banana.

On top of some of the benefits that can be the author.

Business opportunity in the pass in this article i.e. the benefits and advantages of "banana goods".

"The name of the banana is Baranang"

In Indonesia, for in big cities such as jakarta, bandung, surabaya and other big cities began to be known by the public will benefit from this bronze bananas. Proven by many traders who sell the kind of bananas.

In addition also bananas of goods already sold in supermarkets in indonesia.

In jakarta and Bandung city in the same time, in addition to being sold in supermarkets and convenience stores, the street vendors or at emperan Street very much we find. Either by selling on the market or sold directly on the edge-the roadside.

Are you interested in trying the banana surplus goods?
Or you are interested in purchasing these goods banana?

You need to learn first and if you are interested and want to get more information about the seller or dealer who sold the largest "Barangan of the banana" please leave a message in the comments field becomes available.

The author will provide information and contact number as well as the links that you need.

Sorry no writer can write down the Address and contact number its distributors in this article, for it please follow the explanations of the author in the levels.

So the article "Banana Business opportunities " that have Benefits as well as taste different kinds of bananas.

Benefits and advantages of banana fruit goods this is not based on any research or based on the analogy that has been patented by a nutritionist, but based on personal experience of the author as well as a general reference community who already know the benefits and advantages of banana types of goods.

Thank you for your visit and have read the article "Banana Business Opportunities"